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Michael Bowen is the Senior Manager of Marketing Communications at INFINITI Canada, a position to which he was appointed in September of 2022. In his role, Bowen is responsible for leading the planning, development, implementation and measurement of all of INFINITI Canada's marketing strategies and overall marketing communication across various platforms. This includes overseeing marketing communications for the entire INFINITI portfolio, digital marketing, social media channels, customer relationship management, brand and retail advertising, as well as experiential.

Prior to joining the INFINITI team, Bowen held Brand marketing roles at Nissan Canada. With 13 years of experience in automotive marketing, Bowen has a proven record of accomplishment for elevating niche and mass brands. As for the marketing strategy, Bowen has a particular focus in developing data-driven, targeted, and engaging brand experiences that ultimately guide consumers from the transition of researching to buying.

Bowen holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management from the University of Guelph.

Michael Bowen can speak to the following topics:

  • His career as a marketer in the automotive industry
  • Being an innovator within the marketing & automotive categories
  • Adapting marketing plans to unforeseeable situations like COVID-19 in a short period of time
  • Leveraging data to build strategy and effective marketing campaigns
  • Communicating to the premium customer in Canada
  • Premium versus mass brand marketing strategy
Issued by Infiniti